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星座:双鱼座 / Pisces (19 Feb~20 Mac)

饰品长度: 20cm
饰品名称:/ 颜色/尺寸:
1 白水晶//切面水滴型
2 紫晶//手雕小叶子
3 粉晶/粉红/手雕百合

1. 白水晶可助气、助专心、增记忆并用以养身、养气,其振动频率非常高,可提高灵性,使精神轻松愉快、减少气浮、使身体健康;能净化四周负性能量,如化解辐射 线及震荡波等。
*五行属性 : 金或全面

2. 紫晶凝聚力量最大。助睡眠急速恢复健康。增长智能。 对于集中力不足.散漫、学习力低都有很好的调节功效。
*五行属性 : 湿木
*生辰石: 二月
*星座:双鱼座(19 Feb~20 Mac)

3. 粉晶 又名芙蓉晶、蔷薇水晶、玫瑰晶、爱情石,主开发心轮、可松弛紧张的情绪。 舒缓烦燥心情,使心 胸阔! 可增强个人的气场里的粉红光,增加了周围异性对妳的吸引力,对于感情运会特别助,是促进情感亲密的爱情宝石,缔结美好姻缘!

*五行属性 :

White crystalwithpurplecrystalbracelet catch the five small leaves beautiful and elegant hand-carvedpowderlily
Jewelry Length: 20cm
OrnamentName: / color/size:
A white crystal/through/drop type section
2 Amethyst/Purple/hand carved small leaves
3 Rose Quartz/Pink/hand carved lily

Spiritual functions:
1. White crystal can help gas, help to concentrate, increase memory and used-cultivation, the raising of gas, the vibration frequency is very high, can improve the spiritual, so that the spirit of relaxed and happy, to reduce air flotation, to stay healthy; to clean around the negative energy such as to resolve radiation line and Sasser, etc..
*Five attributes : gold or comprehensive

2. Amethyst gather the most powerful.Sleep aid rapid recovery.Smart growth.For lack of concentration.undisciplined, low learning ability have a good conditioning effect.
*Five properties : wet wood
*birthday stone: in February
*Constellation:Pisces(19 Feb ~ 20 Mac)

3. powderpinkcrystallinepowder also known as Lotus crystal, rose crystal, rose crystal, love stone,the main development of the heart chakra, can relax the tension. Relieve irritable mood, so heart chest width! Enhance the individual gas field in the pink light, an increase of around the opposite sex on your appeal, special assistant for the feelings of the Games is to promote the emotional intimacy of love, precious stones, the conclusion of a good marriage!

*five elements :fire

Prices : BR 22 - RM 290.00

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